Principal Commissioner 2024-25
- OIO No. KND-CUSTM-000-COM-20-2025 dated 13.03.2025 in the matter of M/s. Stash Barn Enterprise and others.
- OIO No. KND-CUSTM-000-COM-19-2025 dated 28.02.2025 in the matter of M/.s Analytix Business Solutions and others
- OIO No. KND-CUSTM-000-COM-18-2024-25 dated 10.02.2025 in the matter of M/s. Continental Carriers Pvt. Ltd and others
- OIO No. KND-CUSTM-000-17-2024-25 dated 31.01.2025 issued in the matter of M/s. VMware software India and others
- OIO No. KND-CUSTM-000-16-2024-25 dated 27.12.2024 in the matter of M/s. GE India Industrial Private limited.
- OIO No. KND-CUSTM-000-15-2024-25 dated 27.12.2024 in the matter of M/s. ED&F Man Commodities India Private Limited & M/s. Uniworld Sugars Pvt. Ltd.
- OIO No. KND-CUSTM-000-14-2024-25 dated 13.11.2024 in the matter of M/s Chaks Consultant.
- OIO No. KND-CUSTM-000-13-2024-25 dated 15.10.2024 in the matter of M/s. Aditya Exports and others.
- OIO No. KND-CUSTM-000-12-2024-25 dated 15.10.2024 in the matter of M/s. La Spirit Liquor Trading Co. and others.
- OIO No. KND-CUSTM-000-11-2024-25 dated 15.10.2024 in the matter of SCN dated 25.10.2022 issued to M/s. ZIp ZAp Exim Pvt. Ltd and others
- OIO No. KND-CUSTM-000-COM-10-2024-25 dated 08.10.2024 issued in r/o- M/s. Rekha Superfine Exporters and others.
- OIO No. KND-CUSTM-000-COM-09-2024-25 dated 06.08.2024 issued in r/o- M/s. Sima Marine India and M/s. MBK logistix.
- OIO No. KND-CUSTM-000-COM-08-2024-25 dated 07.08.2024 issued in r/o- M/s. Coromandel International Limited.
- Corrigendum to OIO dated 17.07.2024 issued in the matter of M/s. Zip zap Exim Pvt. Ltd
- OIO No. KND-CUSTM-000-COM-07-2024-25 dated 17.07.2024 issued in the matter of M/s. Zip Zap Exim Private limited and others
- OIO No. KND-CUSTM-000-COM-06-2024-25 dated 02.07.2024 issued in the matter of M/s. HZSH and Cargo Care agency.
- OIO No. KND-CUSTM-000-COM-05-2024-25 dated 14.06.2024 in the matter of M/s. Brews Barron and others
- OIO No. KND-CUSTM-000-COM-04-2024-25 dated 16.05.2024 in the matter of M/s. Halliburton Offshore services
- OIO No. KND-CUSTM-000-COM-02-03-2024-25 dated 29.04.2024 issued by Commissioner Kandla in the matter of M/s. Puranchand Rice Mills and M/s. LC Agros Pvt. Ltd.
- OIO No. KND-CUSTM-000-COM-01-2024-25 dated 08.04.2024 issued in the matter of M/s Panoli Intermediates (India) Pvt. Ltd., and others.