Deputy/ Assistant Commissioner 2024-25
- OIO KDL/ADJ/AC/248/SS/2024-25 dated 21.03.2025 in the matter of M/s. Panchtatva Tradecom Pvt. Ltd.
- OIO No. KDL/AC/222/BVS/EODC/2024-25 dated 27/02/2025 in the matter of M/s. Micron Precision Screws Ltd.
- OIO No. KDL/ADJ/AC/185/BVSP/2024 dated 27/12/2024 in the matter of M/s. Indian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative Ltd.
- OIO No. KDL/ADJ/DC/158/RD/2024-25 dated 12/11/2024 in the matter of M/s. H L Commodities LLP.
- OIO No. 01/AC/2024-25 dated 25/07/2024 passed by the AC, Customs-Bhuj in the matter of SCN No. CUS/SllB/IWT/29/2020 dated 14.02.2024
- OIO No. KDL/DC/44/SM/2024-25 issued in the matter of mis-declaration of used plastic as Plastic regrind by M/s. United safeway and M/s. Adi Overseas under Section 124 of the Customs Act, 1962.
- OIO No. KDL/DC/34/SKM/2024-25 dated 10.05.2024 issued in the matter of i. M/s. Bhanji Govindji & Co., ii. Smt. Prabhaben, iii. Shri Shakti Singh alias Ramdeo Singh.