Additional Commissioner 2023-24
- OIO No. KDL/AC/222/BVS/EODC/2024-25 of Micron Precision Screws Ltd.
- OIO No. KDL/ADC/DPB/24/2024-25 in the matter of M/s. K and K Rubber.
- OIO No. KDL/ADC/22/2024-25 in the matter of M/s. Palmon Exports.
- Issuance of OIO No. KDL/ADC/21/2024-25 in the matter of M/s. Krishna Enterprise
- OIO No. KDL/ADC/20/2024-25 in the matter of M/s. Indian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative Ltd.
- OIO No. KDL/ADC/DPB/19/2024-25 dated 06.o8.2024 in the matter of Mr. Vipin Viswanath Nair, Master of Vessel MT Albatross 1.
- OIO No. KDL/ADC/DPB/18/2024-25 dated: 08.08.2024 issued in the matter of 1. M/s Maa Chemfood Pvt. Ltd., 2. Shri Santosh Aggarwal, 3. M/s Madhav Workland, 4. Shri Sapan Khemchandani.
- CORRIGENDUM TO THE SHOW CAUSE NOTICE GEN/ADJ/ADC/1332/2024-Adjn-O/o Commr-Cus-Kandla dated 24.07.2024.
- OIO NO. KDL/ADC/DPB/16/2024-25 dated 31.07.2024 in case of M/s Sonkamal Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.
- OIO No. KDL/ADC/DPB/15/2024-25 dated 26.07.2024 issued in case of M/s Bulzei Agro Pvt. Ltd.
- OIO No. KDl/ADC/DPB/14//2024-25 in r/o M/s. V G ( GOD VISHNU ) Rice Export Pvt Ltd
- OIO No. KDL/ADC/DPB/13/2024-25 dated 26.07.2024 issued in case of 1. M/s Green Polyplast Industries, 2. M/s Green Polyplast Industries, 3. G W Scrap Trading, M/s Agna Trading Co.
- OIO No. KDL/ADC/DPB/12/2024-25 dated 23.07.2024 in the matter of M/s Metacast International.
- OIO No. KDL/ADC/DPB/11/2024-25 dated 25.07.2024 in case of M/s Teneron Limited.
- OIO No. KDL/ADC/DPB/10/2024-25 dated 28.06.2024 in the matter of M/s. M/s. Accord Chemical Corporation.
- OIO No. KDL/ADC/DPB/09/2024-25 dated 27.06.2024 in the matter of M/s. Bhagwati Lacto Vegetarian Exports (P) Ltd.
- OIO No. KDL/ADC/DPB/08/2024-25 dated 28.06.2024 in case of M/s United Safeway Pvt. Ltd.
- OIO No. KDL/ADC/DPB/07/2024-25 dated 24.06.2024 in the matter of M/s. Goods and Commodities Trading
- OIO No. KDL/ADC/DPB/06/2024-25 dated 20.06.2024 in the matter of M/s. Ganga Impex Enterprise.
- OIO No. KDL/ADC/DPB/05/2024-25 dated 29.05.2024 in the matter of M/s. Shivay Enterprise and others
- OIO No. KDL/ADC/DPB/03/2024-25 dated 21.05.2024 in the matter of M/s. MGA Associates.
- Issuance of OIO No. KDL/ADC/DPB/04/2024-25 in the matter of M/s. Vishwaja Enterprises and othrs.
- OIO No. KDL/ADC/DPB/03/2024-25 dated 21.05.2024 in the matter of M/s. MGA & Associates.
- OIO No. KDL/ADC/DPB/02/2024-25 dated 21.05.2024 in the matter of M/s. Verma Corporation.
- OIO NO. KDL/ADC/DPB/01/2024-25 dated 02.04.2024 in r/o 1. M/s. Summit India Water Treatment and Services Ltd., 2. M/s. Raj Brothers, 3. M/s. Aminu Industrial Trading.