TEL : 02836-271468/69 Fax : 271467

DATED 4.10.2011.

Subject: Implementation of Right to information Act, 2005- Designation of Central Public information Officers (CPIO) and Appellate Authority within the jurisdiction of Kachchh Commissionerate - Regarding.

Attention of all Importers, Exporters, Custom House Agents, Shipping Agents, Member of the Trade and Public at large are invited to the Public Notices No. 65/2008. Dated 06.10.2006; 42/2007 dated 10.10.2007 and 47/2007 dated 29/11/2007; 22/2008 dated 15.09.2008 ; 10/2010 dated 22/03/2010; 12/2011 dated 18/03/2011 & 21/2011 dated 12/07/2011; issued from F. No S/20-24/2005-Appg(Geri) by 'his office, vide which the- info.mation regarding Central Public Information Officers (CPiO)/ Appeiiate Authority in respect of Kaefcchh Commissionerate are clesignated/appointeJ as per -he revised list attached lo this Public Notice.

2. On account of transfer and rotation of various Central Public Information Officers (CPIOs)/ Appellate Authorities of this Commissionerate, a need has arisen to redesignate / appoint CPICs / Appeiiate Authorities under the said Act. Accordingly, in suppression of the above mentioned Public Notices, the CPIOs/Appellate Authorities in respect of Kachchh Commissionerate are redesignated/appointed as per revised list auached to this Public Notice.

3. All the Trade Associations/ Chamber of Commerce/ Member of Regional Advisory Committee / Custom House Agents Association / Shipping Agents and aii concerned are requested to publicize the contents of this Public Notice among their members/ constituents for their information and necessary action.

4. They are further informed that the requisite application fee for seeking information under RTI Act, 20C5 as prescribed vide the Right to Information (Regulation of Fee & Cost) Rules, 2005 as amended, can be paid by way of Cash to the concerned CPIO against proper receipt or by Demand Draft / Bankers Cheque/ Indian Postal Order which should be made payable to the "Commissioner of Customs, Kandla" in respect of all the above mentioned CPIOs / Appellate Authorities, and should accompany the application.



Dated O4.30.201l

F.NO. S/20-24/2005 Apprg(G)

  1. The Chief Commissioner, CCO, Gujarat Zone, Ahmedabad.
  2. As per Mailing List and Notice Board, C.H. Kandla/MP & SEZ Mundra/Customs Division Bhuj.
  3. The Deputy / Assistant Commissioner, Customs, MP & SEZ Mundra.
  4. The Assistant Commissioner, Customs, Customs Division, Bhuj.
  5. The Additional Commissioner, CCO, Gujarat Zone, Ahmedabad for updating website.
  6. The Systems Manager, EDI, C.H. Kandla/ MP & SEZ Mundra.



ignation of Central Public Information Officer (CPlOs) and Appellate Authorities under the Right to Information Act, 2005, within the jurisdiction of KACHCHH Commissionerate

  1. Name of the Commissionerate: KACHCHH Commissionerate    
  2. Name / Designation / Address of the CPIOs / Appellate Authority : As per Table 'A' below:



Sri. No.

Designation of CPIO

Address of CPIO

Jurisdiction of CPIO

Name & Designation of Appellate Authority

Address of the Appellate Authority.


Shi i Satish; Patappu, Assistant Commissioner

Custom House, Kandia, Near Balaii Mandir. Opp. Poiica Station, KANDLA. Ph. (02836) 271462 FAX (02836)271467

Matter relating to Investigation and Preventive work of Kachchh Commissionerate

Shri Pankaj Singh, Additional Commissioner.

Custom House, Kandia, Near Baiaji Mandir, Opp. Poiice Station, KANDLA Ph. (02836) 271463 FAX (02836)27i478

2. Shn Parasmal Shankhla, Assistant Commissioner Custom House, Kandia, Near Balaji Mandir, Opp. Police Station, KANDLA. Ph. (02836) 271472 FAX (02836) 271457

Matter relating to Administration, Establishment and Vigilance of Kachchh

Snri Pramod A. Vasave,Joint
Custom house, Kandla, Near Balaji Mandir, Opp. Police Station, KANDLA Ph. (02836) 271463 FAX (02836)271478

Umashankar, Deputy

MP & SEZ, Mundra, Custom House, Port Users Building-5B, Mundra - 370421. Ph. (02838) 271169 FAX (02838) 271169

All matters of MP & SEZ Mundra.

Shri Satyajit Singh, Additional Commissioner.

Custom House, Kandia, Near Balaji Mandir, Opp. Police Station, KANDLA. Ph. (02836) 271463 FAX (02836)271478


Shri Sanket Kale, Assistant Commissioner

Custom Division -Bhuj, Near Leuva Patel Hospital, Mundra Road, Bhuj -370001.
Ph. (02832) 232389 FAX (02832) 232212

All   matters   of Custom Division, Bhuj.

Shri Pankaj Singh, Additional Commissioner.

Custom House, Kandia, Near Balaji Mandir, Opp. Police Station, KANDLA. Ph. (02836) 271463 FAX (02836)271478


Shri Mahesh

Custom House, Kandia, Near Balaji Mandir, Opp. Police Station, KANDLA. Ph. (02836) 271488 FAX (02836)271467

All matters other than         those covered  by  Sr.. No.-i to 4, above, of        Kachchh Commissionerate

Shri Pramod A. Vasave, Joint

Custom House, Kandia, Near Balaji Mandir, Opp. Police Station, KANDLA. Ph. (02836) 271461 FAX (02836)271480