PUBLIC NOTICE NO. 25 /2011 DATED   30.08.2011


Subject:   -   Authorized   Economic   Operator   (AEO)   programme   for implementation.—regarding

A copy of circular no. 37/2011-Customs issued by the CBEC vide its F.No. 450/179/2009-Cus.IV(Pt.) dated 23rd August, 2011, is enclosed herewith for information, guidance and necessary action.

  1. Any difficulty faced in implementation of the above instructions may be brought to the notice of the undersigned immediately.
  2. All the trade Associations/Chamber of Commerce/Members of Regional Advisory Committees and Custom House Agents' Association are requested to publicize the contents of this Public Notice among their members/constituents, for their information and necessary action.


(Navneet Goel) Commissioner

Encl. As above.


F.No. S/20-02/2011-Appg(G)
Date: 30.08.2011

l.The Chief Commissioner of Customs, Gujarat Zone, Ahmedabad
2. All Additional/Joint/Deputy/Assistant Commissioners of Customs, C.H.Kandla/Mundra/Bhuj 3.All Group/Sections,Customs, Kandla.
4.The Gujarat Chamber of Commerce & Industires, Ahmedabad 5.The Southern Gujarat Chamber of Commerce & Industries, Surat 6.The Gandhidham Chamber of Commerce & Industies, Gandhidham. 7.The Kandla Custom House Agents' Association, Gandhidham 8.The Mundra Custom House Agents' Association, Mundra 9The Kandla Port Steamship Agents' Association, Gandhidham lO.The Mundra Port Steamship Agents' Association, Mundra
11 .The Container Freight Station Association of Mundra, Bharat CFS Zone-1, Mundra 12.The Chairman, Kandla Port Trust, Ghandhidham 13.Notice Board/Guard File.

Circular No.37/2011 -Customs,
dated 23-08-2011

Circular. N9-37/2011-Customs

Text Box: F No 450-;l79.'l'00S-Cus.lV(Pt) Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Revenue Central Board of Excise & Customs.


227-B, North Block.
New Delhi-110001.
23rd August, 2011.

An Chief Commissioners of Customs ' Customs (Prev ) All Chief Commissioners of Customs & Central Excise AH Commissioners of Customs .- Customs .'Prev ) AM Commissioners of Customs & Centra, Excise Ait Director Generals jnce- CBEC

Subject: Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) programme for implementation.

Sir / Madam,

in vsew of growing concern amongst Customs administrations about the threat posed through misuse of channels of import and export, there is a need to ensure security in giobal supply chain in international movement of goods Keeping this in view, CP1''' has finalized 'he 'Authorized Economic Operators' (AEO) programme for implementation to secure supply chain of imported ano export goods. This programme has beer, developed pursuant to guidelines of WCO adopted in SAFE FoS (Framework of Standard^ in 2005 Many Customs administrations have already instituted AEO programmes or similar programmes which share a common objective of ensuring security in giobal supply chain from the point of origin i.e the point of export to import in the receiving country keeping in view national requirements of respective administrations The detailed guidelines on implementation of the AEO programme are appended as Annexure' to this Circular
2       One of the salient features of the AEO programme is that any economic operator such as importe', exporter, logistics provider.. Customs House Agent can apply for authorization subject to the criteria thai the applicant is.

      1. able tc establish a record of compliance in respect of Customs and other legal provsions.
      2. able to demonstrate satisfactory systems of managing commercial and, whereappropriate transport records.
      3. financially solvent.
      4. able to demonstrate satisfactory systems in respect of security and safety standards

3          The AEO programme shall be implemented by the Directorate General of inspection (DGICCE) and Additional Director General, DGICCE (HQ), New Delhi will be the AEO Programme Manager The AEO Programme Manager shall be assisted by a team of officers viz the AEO Programme Team
4          The authorization shall normally be granted within 90 days of receipt of application if the same is found to be acceptable and not deficient in any material particulars.  The programme also provides for circumstances under which the authorization may be considered for revocation or suspension.
5. The AEO Programme envisages various benefits to different categories of economic operators such as importers, exporters. Customs House Agents, etc. The intention is to give AEO certified operators preferential treatment in terms of less Customs examination, relaxed procedural requirements etc. This is subject to the authorized operators maintaining security standards and compliance requirements as jc led in Annexure jna informing the AEO Programme Manager within 30 days in case of any significant change in business or business processes
6 The AEO programme would be implemented on voluntary basis i.e. those who are interested in getting benefits of the programme may apply for authorization as per the procedure outlined in the Annexure. The authorization shall be granted after detailed pre-certification verification and validation done by AEO Programme Team.
As DGICCE is assigned the work of implementation of the AEO programme, Boara desires that orocess of inviting application, processing of the same, validation and - '"cation shall be done as envisaged in the programme, as per the following time terns




Announcement of AEO programme


Receipt of applications lor pilots

By 15.9.2011

Scrutiny of applications for pilots

By 30.9.2011

Selection of 3 pilots and intimation thereof

By 15.10.2011

Validation process including field visits for pilots

15.10.2011 - 15,1.2012

Decision on grant of AEO status


9       All Commissioners are requested to issue a suitable Public Notice and a standing
order for guidance of trade and staff

Yours faithfully,
( R. P. Singh ) Director (Customs)
Cm* here for Annexure